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Mrs Burger is a loyal BalanceBelt user since 2020. She told us about the impact of her balance issues and the positive effect of the BalanceBelt in her everyday life. Going from having to stay at home without the possibility to do much, to going to courses, museums, and the theatre again. All thanks to the BalanceBelt.

What was your diagnosis?

“In the Summer of 2020, I was admitted to the hospital due to vertigo and walking as if I’m intoxicated and got dismissed without a clear diagnosis (paramidal syndrome). However, they advised me to use a walker, not to drive a car and not to use public transport.

Then, everything changed when I found Professor H. Kingma’s ‘mini-lectures’ on YouTube (video in Dutch). I immediately recognised my symptoms. Then, at the MUMC, it was found that my right balance organ is defective, also known as vestibular neuritis.”

How did this diagnosis affect your life?

“This medical condition was quite a turnaround for me. It impacted my [social] life right away. My independent life seemed to be over. Visiting family and friends happened less and less. It also became difficult to go to museums or theatre performances,” says Mrs Burger.

“Neither couldn’t I do all the house chores by myself, so I was depending on extra help to being able to stay in my own apartment. There were so many changes right away, and that was mostly very saddening.”

How long have you had the BalanceBelt?

“I got to test the wearable in November 2020, and my life changed right when I left the hospital without having to use my walker. I was instantly enthusiastic after the fourteen-day trial period! Now, I happily wear my BalanceBelt every single day.”

What does the BalanceBelt mean for you?

“The BalanceBelt helps me to keep my balance. When I lose my balance due to the disorder, the belt unconsciously corrects my posture automatically.

The BalanceBelt has changed my life enormously in a positive way. Now I can drive my car again and use public transport as usual. This means that I can visit my friends and family very easily. I also can go again to my courses, to museums and to theatre shows without a problem.

Grocery shopping, cooking, and doing some house chores is very easy now. With the BalanceBelt none of this is a problem, that is absolutely extraordinary!”

My life has completely changed for the better. Now I feel that I can be part of the community again.”

When do you use the BalanceBelt?

“At home, I always wear it. It’s not always on, but often enough to get that familiar and safe feeling. Outside, the BalanceBelt is always on. Walking on the street or doing grocery shopping is so much easier when I wear the BalanceBelt. I can also drive my car again because I don’t suffer from vertigo anymore.”

What is the difference between walking with or without the BalanceBelt?

“The quality of my life has increased considerably. Without the BalanceBelt I tottered a lot due to my zigzagging ‘intoxicated’ walk and always with the help of a wall or a walker. I now immediately feel safe when I wear the BalanceBelt.

I also get weekly support from physiotherapy. But the BalanceBelt still is the main thing here. My physiotherapist noticed my positive change immediately. He was instantly surprised and very excited.” Said Mrs Burger with a smile.

Would you recommend the BalanceBelt to someone with a balance disorder?

“Of course, it is such a life changer! You see yourself confronted with the facts of this issue, and there is little you can do about it. But having the BalanceBelt means a new perspective and a better life!”

Mrs Burger’s world opened up again by wearing the BalanceBelt. She continues to think it’s special that she can do her daily things again and enjoy her activities outside her home again.